From the Desk of the Presiding Bishop
American Catholic Church Diocese of California
2024 Easter Message
Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!
This is truly the feast of victory for our Savior! In our celebration of Easter we celebrate Christ’s salvific act of dying and rising from the dead to bring life and life eternal to our mortal souls. We rejoice and are glad in the bridge that Christ his created between heaven and earth. During this most sacred season of Easter, we celebrate the newness of life that is ours in Christ Jesus.
Because we belong to Jesus, what happened to him can happen to our loved ones! What happened to him can happen to us! That’s the Gospel––the Good News! The power of death is broken and lies shattered at the foot of the cross!
This is an important message. We are on the journey from life to death, and Easter is God’s promise that death is not the end.
• Easter is God’s promise that death is the passage into a new life.
• Easter is God’s promise that, in life and in death, we are in God’s merciful care.
• Easter is God’s promise that, in the resurrection, we will be whole––not some sort of disembodied spirit, but whole––body and soul, united as one.
• Easter is God’s promise that our bodies are part of who we really are, not a temporary house waiting to be shed.
The resurrection gives us great hope––and we need hope! There those of us who have stood by the graves of a loved one. Even more terrible, there are parents who have stood by the grave of a child. Those who have experienced this might say, at the moment of my loved one’s death I felt “empty.”
But when we embrace Easter, Christ applies balm to our pain––and restores our hope––hope for the future––hope of eternal life––hope that we will see our loved ones again. We will all share in eternal life in him.
Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life. He has come to meet our deepest needs in life and in death. This Easter, we all have our unique needs. We have concerns. Easter is God’s promise that we serve a living Lord who loves us––a living Lord who is always there for us––a living Lord who brings us forgiveness––a living Lord who calls us brothers and sisters.
This living Lord says, “Go to Galilee,” as he told those faithful followers who came to the tomb and saw the stone rolled away. Let us go to the Galilee of our time and place. Let us go to the place where we can serve the lowest and least of our brothers and sisters. Let us go to a place where we can tell people about God’s love. Let us go to a place where we can serve and help people in need. And Jesus promises us that, “There you will see me!” And if we truly have eyes of faith –there we truly shall see him! Be Blessed!
Most Reverend Martin De Porres Griffin